Wow Another Poem


Desiree Dallagiacomo released her book “Sink” yesterday, and this poem appeared, and has always been one of my favorites. She writes the poem from the view of her thighs, titling it “Thighs Say.” This I believe is an interesting take…if your thighs could speak, what would they say? How would they feel and operate from their world view? She uses humor and relateable statements to get her point across, such as when she talks about ice cream and stretch marks, but also ties in sexual harassment when discussing men on street corners, parking garages, and in Walgreens while buying tampons to depict the sexualization that comes with not only being a woman, but being a bigger woman.


One Reply to “Wow Another Poem”

  1. What would bell hooks say about this poem? I love the poems you post, they’re always so powerful! Do you think women have to use humor to talk about serious topics in order for people to listen? Sometimes I feel that way, and I feel like we as women, have to brush off a lot of inappropriate things guys do because people say “boys will be boys”.

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