Pain, Collective and 46&2


Bell Hooks believes in localizing your pain and making it a location for theorizing. Then Hooks wants us to go out and find others who possibly shared your pain. By joining a collective you can begin to theorize from this place of pain, empowering and healing in the process. In this process one would reconnect with themselves and eventually join a collective of experience.

“Today a young man realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.” – Bill Hicks

This quote makes me think of other things we have talked about in this class. Earlier when we were talking about the constructedness of social phenomenons such as gender. We discussed how we can never truly be any of the things that we say we are because we are all subconsciously playing a series of characters that are nothing more than imaginations of our selves.

A song by progressive rock band TOOL called 46&2 explores Carl Jung’s theory of conscious evolution. Jung proposed a theory that claimed that humans will evolve to develop additional autosomes on our DNA separate from our 2 sex chromosomes. Somehow these additional chromosomes are said to ‘open our third eye’ and allow us to become enveloped within a collective conscious.

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