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Self Writing

Writing is an act of self discipline and meditation that can fortify the soul. Foucault writes, “writing about inner impulses appears…as a weapon in spiritual combat…. by bringing to light … Continue readingSelf Writing


In high school I had a physics teacher show me a movie called Mindwalk. It is a really old movie about a book which discusses something called the systems theory. … Continue readingMindwalk


In my EDF class, we have to read a book called Wheels in the Head: Educational Philosophies of Authority, Freedom, and culture from Confucianism to Human Rights and the chapter … Continue readingConsciousness

hooks and Freire

Inspired by Freire himself, hooks’ work can be applied to Freire’s ‘banking’ concept of education. In “Teaching to Transgress,” hooks questions the divide between theory and practice, claiming not only … Continue readinghooks and Freire